Friday, July 2, 2010

Old Man Shirt Upcycle

Finally I finished my plaid shirt redo! This project ended up much more complicated than I intended it to be, or indeed should have been. That said, I must admit I'm kind of proud of it---this is the first piece of clothing that I feel like I designed entirely on my own. I've never done a tutorial, but maybe I'll make another one of these sometime and give some instructions (I need to tweak my process considerably before that can happen). Anyway, enough yammering---here it is...

(before and afters)
Cute, right? I'm happy that I decided to add the bow, not so happy that I put a zipper off-center front (I was going for something more edgy in the beginning). This top doesn't look too great with my old jean capris, but I picture it looking fabulous with a dark blue, high-waist skirt. Ah, don't you just love how new ideas just present themselves, unsolicited? :-) I headed to Hancock's yesterday and picked up some dark blue rayon challis (?) that will serve my purposes just lovely.
Something else I need to work on is clearing my closet of some articles of clothing that haven't seen the light of day in forever due to minor fitting/style issues. I have two piles going right now; one to donate, another to alter/upcycle/whatever you like to call it.