Thursday, June 24, 2010

New Project, Same Frustrations

So I recently decided that I really need a new dress for summer. This decision may have been prompted by sweating too much in my jean capris in our 90 degree weather here in Louisville, I can't say for sure. I headed off to Joann's with my expired 50% off coupon (which I was informed of at the register) and hit the books. Although I had envisioned a shirtwaist type of deal, I was unable to find a pattern that captured what I had in my mind, so I decided to go a different route, and picked New Look 6803, which had a breezy, loose-but-not-baggy look to me. I've used New Look patterns before, and I've been generally satisfied (plus they cost $3.99!). Some of the directions are vague (I think they assume that the sewer knows enough to press, finish edges, etc.), but they work OK as long as you've followed patterns before. Anyway, the pattern includes a cute tie-belt thing that I figured would give me some sort of waist.

I then perused the fabric section for a good hour (I'm infamously indecisive), and ended up buying a 100% cotton fabric in navy that had a linen-y feel to it, along with a 100% cotton in mustard (sateen, I believe?). I just couldn't find the floral, natural fiber fabric that I was looking for, and figured navy would probably be more flattering in any case. My fabric lingo could use some work, my apologies.

The next day I cut out the whole shebang. Once again, I was appalled to discover that, according to my measurements, I was supposed to make a size 16! Now I'm a big girl, I won't lie, but I have never worn a 16. So I followed my instincts and went ahead and cut it out in size 14 (gutsy, I know ;-)). Note that this size is still bigger than anything I would buy. If anyone can offer me some sense regarding pattern sizing, please do. After putting Wigfield by Stephen Colbert, Amy Sedaris, and Paul Dinello to play in my computer, I sat down to sew. After about 1.5 hours of relatively smooth going, the main dress was done, aside from the hem!

I hopefully pulled the dress over my head, but my fears were confirmed; it's too big! I mean, it isn't huge, but it's definitely baggier than I would have liked. Today I hope to make the tie belt, so we'll see if that cinches it up satisfactorily, otherwise I may have to consider some alterations (ugh). However, I was pretty happy with the little pleats at the neckline--I think they're a nice detail to an otherwise very simple design. My camera is mediocre, but hopefully you can see those.

I supposed that the fitting issue was my own fault. I have yet to use the proper process and make a muslin first. My patience has not developed enough yet, I suppose. However, I can see myself making this pattern again once I find a nice floral, and when I do I think I'll try a size 10. Tomorrow I'll post a shot with me wearing the final product (which hopefully won't be the last time I don this getup). God be with you!

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